Woman using laptop and beaming

A little over six years ago I had to go to hospital as an outpatient for a relatively minor operation. I checked in and was taken to a waiting area where I was asked to de-robe and put on one of those very attractive hospital gowns.


After a short wait, a nurse came in to escort me down the corridor, through a set of double doors and into the pre-op area of the theatre.


The consultant and the theatre team were all waiting.


I put my entire trust in this group of people I had never met. I never asked to see their qualifications or checked if they had indeed been trained in the procedure they were to perform. This was a hospital after all.


The small operation was a success and I was fighting fit within a couple of weeks.


It’s a perfectly normal assumption that if you are going to the hospital for an operation then the staff that are responsible for your care will have had the necessary training to enable them to do their job.


However, when it comes to the world of work, the same can’t always be said. Managers may not be performing lifesaving operations but they are in charge of a company’s greatest resource – its people.


With a third of people leaving their manager not their organisation, providing managers with the opportunity to develop the right skills is vital if the business is going to be successful.


In my work, I meet many people responsible for managing others who tell me that they have never had any practical management training and felt they had to learn the hard way.


It is one of the reasons I created The Managers Pit Stop, a virtual one day training workshop providing practical advice and guidance on how to get the best out those you manage – to leave you feeling a lot more confident about being a manager and get answers to those questions you never asked when you first stepped into being a manager (and would still love to know!)


What will we cover?

  • Feeling more confident when it comes to managing others
  • Motivating others to get stuff done in a virtual world
  • Putting yourself and your needs first
  • How to prioritise when everything is urgent
  • Managing and appreciating people’s differences
  • Delegating to the right people


Event details

Date and Time
Friday 14 May 2021
9:30am – 2:00pm




£150pp (+VAT) – If you signed up for a Managers Pit Stop webinar
£199pp (+VAT)


How to book
Places are limited so please email me at hello@denisechilton.co.uk or fill out the form on this web page: https://www.denisechilton.co.uk/the-managers-pit-stop-the-essentials/