How did we get to December? Does anyone else feel like that about 2023? It really seems to have whizzed by and here we are coming to another year’s end.


As many of you know I’m more a fan of Winter Solstice than of Christmas. I have my own rituals and traditions around what I see as a very special time in our calendar.


A time to spend with people that I hold dear in my life and an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months; capturing what we are grateful for. Those stand-out moments and even those moments that were rather a challenge where we want to take the learning and leave well in the past.


Highlights of my year included:

  • A 4-day adventure in Iceland
  • A spring break in Scarborough
  • Copious amount of trips to the theatre
  • An afternoon in October watching an Everton match in which they won!


The thing they all have in common and what made them stand out is the people I shared the experience with and the memory that it created.


As I prepare for my own year end I have been considering what might be some different questions to help me reflect on this year.


Self-reflection is how we learn, grow and make change. It’s core to the coaching work I do with clients and the impact can be huge.


In the busyness of life, it’s all too easy to rush on to the next thing, and the next thing. We often keep looking up the mountain to see how far we have left to go without ever stopping to look back down to see and celebrate how far we have come.


So as we close out this year, here are 5 questions I will be reflecting on and I invite you to join me:


In 2023…

  • What is the wisest decision you made?
  • What has been the biggest surprise?
  • What has been the biggest risk?
  • Who are the three people you want to say “thank you” to?
  • What are you leaving behind?


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who put their trust in me by asking me to work with you and for your continued support and friendship.


I wish you all a wonderful festive break, whatever “wonderful” means for you and I look forward to more adventures together in 2024.

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