If you are a regular here, you will know that at this time of year I like to look back on the year that is ending and forward to the year ahead – and encourage my followers to do the same.
What have been the highlights? What have been the challenges? And what have I learned about myself that I am taking with me through to 2021?
I think we can all agree that is has been a year like no other…
In addition to the traditional good wishes that accompany my “Happy New Year” greetings, I encourage my clients and followers to choose three words that represent their intentions and aspirations for the year ahead.
These words represent how we want to show up every day and help us to focus more on the “being” part of human. To focus on what we do want rather than what we don’t want.
They set the focus for the choices and actions we make every day and act as guideposts to look back, look forward, take stock, re-evaluate or adjust so you can become a better version of yourself.
Of course, we can’t predict everything that will happen in the coming year, like a global pandemic for example. I can pretty much guarantee no one factored that one in! However whatever life presents, opportunities or challenges, we can choose how we want to respond to them.
To pick my words, I reflect on the challenges I faced in the year that is passing and think about who I want to be in the future. What are the traits, values and behaviours that the new me has?
From there, I pick three words that will be my guide and inspiration – and they capture my most important values.
So how did I do in 2020? How did my words and intentions play out?
My three phrases for 2020 were Joy and Aliveness, Abundance and Success, Fun and Fulfilment. On reflection, I couldn’t have picked better phrases with which to navigate through a year in which lots of things happened that I simply had no control over. I was reminded pretty much every day that when we let go of what we can’t control and focus on what we can do that life becomes a lot simpler.
Joy and Aliveness showed up when I was out walking in the fields watching the sunrise every day through that first lockdown.
Fun and Fulfilment showed up every Wednesday on a weekly Zoom call with a super team of other coaches who are part of the delivery team supporting NHS primary care professionals. Thank you to everyone at We Are Beyond for being the amazing people that you are.
Abundance and Success showed up with plenty of coaching assignments and a book deal! An announcement on that in the New Year…
I haven’t quite settled on my words for 2021. I do know one of them will be Hope – the desire for something to come to fruition. I like to think those who have hope are resilient, determined and optimistic. Let’s see how I get on.
What will your three words or phrases be for 2021? Answers on a postcard.
Wishing you all a New Year filled with hope and lightness!