The Heath Coaching Academy is a super company founded by Lesley Thompson and Kaye Burnett. They had a vision many years ago to bring together a group of like-minded professional coaches and take coaching to where it matters.
Having achieved everything she wanted to in her corporate career, Karen felt a need for a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Stepping into Management was designed to allow people who are considering whether management is for them to “go behind the scenes” and find out more about what it is all about. It’s a “try before you buy” approach.
This client had been in a stable senior role for many years and was feeling lost as to what her next career move should be. She had been applying for new roles but wasn’t having any success with her applications which impacted her confidence and left her feeling low.
Being a manager can be hugely rewarding. If you are interested in building the confidence of people in your organisation then please get in touch. I would love to help.
That’s a wrap on another Stepping into Management programme delivered for 12 people from the School of Environmental Science at the University of Liverpool.
It’s been 14 years since I walked into my first coach training session. Here are 4 questions I think you should consider if you’re looking for a coach.
Prosper is based at Liverpool University and offers a new approach to career coaching to post docs. Last month, my first group coaching got off to a great start. Watch this space!
After weeks of backstabbing and plotting Harry Clark, who was one of the original three chosen as traitors at the start of the second series, took home the £95,150 prize money.
“Begin with the end in mind” is one of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that Stephen Covey’s famous bestseller book defines. It’s a practice I use daily and it enriches my life.