The Client

Name: Emma

Job Title: Manager in Corporate Recovery

Type of Coaching: Executive Coaching

The Challenge:
  • Started a new job and was very unhappy
  • Dealing with a difficult individual at work
  • Feeling low in confidence and anxious
  • Experiencing a sense of failure
The Outcome
  • regained confidence in leaps and bounds
  • moved back to old employer (overcoming sense of failure)
  • calmer approach to challenging situations
The Feedback

“The single biggest benefit of executive coaching to me personally was having a non-judgemental person to talk to; somebody who helps you rationalise your thinking and to have confidence in your own decisions. “Understanding the drama triangle” is a coaching technique that I have used over and over again since undergoing the coaching programme! It’s amazing how many areas of your life it’s applicable to. Denise gave me the confidence to see that I am good enough and taught me how to respond to people who question that. We have to be bold to make it and Denise really helps you build the foundations for that. Turning the question from “how could I possibly do that?” to “why couldn’t I do that?” is really powerful.”

Denise gave me the confidence to see that I am good enough - Emma

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