All the recent episodes of panic buying have got me thinking about panic. Why do some panic and others not? For those who do panic and are finding it not very helpful what can you do about it? Equally, if you are totally frustrated by those who are panicking, what do you need to know about those people who are different to you?
I have been interested over the last few years to witness in my coaching conversations with leaders that they are referring more and more frequently to the phrase VUCA. Originally coined by the US military to describe the turbulent and unpredictable environment in which they operate.
We spend a lot of our time either lost in our memories or thinking about the future. Perhaps you’re reliving a happy memory or perhaps you’re remembering that irritating comment your mother-in-law made last weekend. Maybe you’re looking forward to a weekend away or maybe you’re dreading that meeting with your superior next week. We tend to get lost in…
Drama causes unnecessary conflict in our lives. Stopping and taking a step back can help to change the way you think about and react to drama situations you find yourself in – leading to a calmer, more stress-free life.
Drama causes unnecessary conflict in our lives. Stopping and taking a step back can help to change the way you think about and react to drama situations you find yourself in – leading to a calmer, more stress-free life.